Hotel SakuravsHotel Sheela, 100m from Taj Mahal
Both Hotel Sakura and Hotel Sheela are recommended by expert reviewers. Overall, Hotel Sakura scores marginally higher than Hotel Sheela. Hotel Sakura has a TripExpert Score of 72 with recommendations from 2 sources like Rough Guide, Lonely Planet.
Hotel Sakura
49, Old Idgah Colony, Next To Idgah Bus Station, Agra 282001, India
From $0/night
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Dry Cleaning
- Air Conditioning
Rough Guide
"Well-run and
good-value guesthouse on the west side of town. It doesn’t
look too inviting from the outside, but the rooms (of which
there’s quite a variety, including a/c rooms from..."
Lonely Planet
"Rooms are clean, with high ceilings and marble floors, and the management is friendly and very knowledgeable... Jaipur deluxe buses leave from the hotel’s driveway." Full review
Hotel Sheela, 100m from Taj Mahal
East Gate, Taj Ganj, Agra, India
From $11/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Dry Cleaning
- Air Conditioning
Lonely Planet
"If you’re not fussed about looking at the Taj Mahal 24 hours a day, and don't mind doing a little legwork for an autorickshaw, Sheela is a superb budget option." Full review
Book ahead.
Rough Guide
"Clean and spacious ground-floor rooms ranged around a lovely little garden... All rooms are attached, but the cheapest have hot water in buckets only."